Engine 47
2019 Pierce Arrow XT
750 Gallon water tank 2000 GPM pump
20 Gallon Foam Tank
8 man Cab
Mutual aid vehicle related Engine

Engine 48
1999 Seagrave
750 Gallon water tank 1500 GPM pump
10 man cab
Mutual aid structural related Engine

Engine 49
2017 Pierce Saber Stock Rig
750 Gallon water tank 1500 GPM pump
40 Gallon Foam Tank
6 man cab
Fully equipped with TNT battery powered extrication equipment
Carries full array of FAST equipment
Used as our spare engine when a piece of equipment is out of service
Responds on all extrication call
Responds as the 3rd due Engine
Responds on mutual aid FAST calls

Tower Ladder 23
2019/1991 Pierce Arrow XT Aerialscope 95ft
The boom was refurbished from our 1991 Mack Baker and placed onto this truck
8 man cab

Utility 24
2013 Ford F550/Becker/Specialty
2 man cab
Carries full array of on board hydraulic HURST extrication tools
Responds as a support vehicle
Responds on all in village and mutual aid requests for MVAs
